A weak foundation will collapse a company or an organization, especially if there is a storm of problems coming. However, a strong foundation will allow the company or organization to survive every shock, changes, and development, both internal and external.
Whether a large or a small-scale company, a professional company or a family, a company foundation is very important and fundamental. Therefore, Power Character is here to help you build a strong and appropriate company foundation.
Here are 5 Solid Company Foundation in the company:
Vision, Mission, & Culture
An agreement on Vision, Mission and Company Culture as well as a consistent socialization will result in extraordinary synergy between all human resources in achieving mutual success.
Organizational Structure
A correct organizational structure will produce clear lines of command, coordination, and Career Path for employees.
A character-based organizational structure also helps companies map employee potential based on their character.
Company Regulations
Company regulations with character based on the UU No. 13 year 2003 on Labor will be a strong fence for the company.
Job Description & Job Profile
Job descriptions that comply with ISO 9001: 2015 standards clarify the scope of the employee's work.
Synchronizing job descriptions with characters in the form of a Job Profile can also maximize the coaching process in the department and train employees to respond and be more effective at work.
Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)
SOP with character based on ISO 9001: 2015 will be very good in setting work process standards within the company.